We apologize for possible linkrot. We do our best, but we cannot keep up.

"Technical Communication is the discipline ..." [XXXX]

8The Elements of Style - "(...) a must-have for any student and conscientious writer" (William Struck, Jr) [Jan 2, 2000]
7 Comprehension, Coherence and Strategies in Hypertext and Linear Text - "(...) the evaluation of hypertext from the perspective of text comprehension" (Peter W. Foltz - Dept. of Psychology -New Mexico State University) [January 8, 2001]
6 Interface Design and Optimization of Reading of Continuous Text - "(...) reading is the means by which the world does a large part of its work" (Paul Muter - University of Toronto) [November 1, 2000]
5 Writing Techniques - "Specific do's and don'ts, with examples" (Good Documents) [September 9, 2000]
4 Technical Writing and the Macintosh - "Technical writing is one of those activities that historians of technology have almost completely ignored." (Making the Macintosh - Alex Pang/Stanford University Library) [July 19, 2000]
3 Post-Conference Materials - 47th Annual Conference - May 2000, Florida (Society for Technical Communication) [June 19, 2000]
2 The Offical TECHWR-L - The Internet Forum for Technical Communicators (Eric and Deborah Ray) [June 22, 2000]
1 The Society for Technical Communication initiates a Professional Interest Commitee on Information Design (IDPIC). [January 31, 1997]